
Showing posts from 2016

Old Patterns Create A New Me

Hello everyone, We'll it's been quite some time hasn't it. Blogging has been a past time for me for a few years now. I have enjoyed it as a outlet to all the madness I call "my life". So fret not I won't be straying from you again! That's right you have my word. Where to begin....well let's see. I changed my YouTube channel name. Why??? Many things in my life have caused me to stop and really look at my life and all involved in it, once I did that I was able to change my perspective. This new perspective has changed how I feel and which direction I am going in next. I have evolved from my past into something better; something new. So lets first tell you all that's gone down. First and foremost I have to mention my mother. She is a bipolar schizophrenic, yes there I finally said it. She has been this way all my life. But one day soon we will dive more into those waters. So anyway she had a breakdown as I like to call it and had to be hospitalized...