
Showing posts from 2017

Am I Changing or Reverting (What I want for ME) Part 1

So about two years ago I took the myers-briggs personality test. I came out to be a I took it again yesterday and I came out to be a ISTJ. How can that be? I think what happened is that I changed when I met my husband and now I and changing back to who I truly am inside the ISTJ.  He is very much a estj and that made us kind of like two cars going full speed and slamming into each other. One of us had to be more calm and reserved so I made a change. I did this; not just for the relationship but because I was seen as brash by a lot of people who were in my life at the time. I wanted to be liked more and accepted thus creating the ability for me to like myself and see myself in a more acceptable light. The problem is that I was successful with my love life and not successful with other relationships. I fail to see why or how changing for these people will better my life or help me achieve goals. The perfectionalist and people pleaser in me causes me to continue to try eve...

Scattered Thoughts

Well happy December! Seems like it was just New Years...that is a day I can never forget...In just 27 days I will be married for one year. Most celebrities don't even make it that far. I take a deep breath out and relax into it. I'ts a relief. So what to tell you about today, well lets start with how I'm feeling. Not well..I woke up with ear pain which I almost never have and it was quite painful, then there is the headache that I have had since yesterday. I asked the lady in medical for a pain pill and she gave me a response like I was an addict...I do not  like her much, I want to but she just annoys me at every turn with the judgy eyes and the way she says things like she knows best...I would blame my PMS but I have felt like this around her before. So I'll just blame her instead. What I have been loving is writing, it feels like never before. I feel so much more relaxed as if I went without writing I would probably have so much pent up inside me that I would feel...