
Have you ever been told to do something by your mother and you didn't do it? In fact, you did the exact opposite of what she asked just because "you can"...only to find out later that you just ruined your chance to get to see your favorite musical artist perform?! OR maybe she called off your surprise birthday party until your attitude adjusts. What you didn't know was that at that concert, or party you would have met someone who would have changed your life forever had you acted accordingly.
Sometimes this happens to us in life but instead of it being mom who takes something wonderful away it's you yourself. God has many things in store for us but only IF we do things as he asks. If we create our own way we block blessings. You can change the course of things permanently with one small mistake. Ever hear of the "Butterfly Effect"? This is why it is so important to THINK (something I'm working on: as Steve Harvey says...He ain't thru with me yet) before we act. We must be clear and settled with the choices we make. If you think that something is a bad idea why do it? Because you can?! Come on people, we're not children anymore, in fact we're raising children. ACT ACCORDINGLY! We have to be better than our parents, and  a better version of the person we were last year. It's a process; that's what this life is for. Use it to get in shape for the "real showdown" if you will.
So if you've made a mistake, one that maybe you wish you could take back...apologize and mean it. Then simple move forward. God says that once we repent He frees us from our sins. Therefore we should have no further guilt about what we have done. If God can forgive you, then you can forgive you. If the one you hurt cannot, that's on that persons soul not your own. To be perfectly honest that individual is not forgiving themselves and labeling it as hatred towards you. That's another blog in itself lol.
So to end this long week I'll just say this...Love hard, mean well, start over again.



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