You Get What You Pray For
I've prayed most if not all my life for the man of my dreams. Most girls do right? We dream of our wedding day while playing dress up, we use Ken and Barbie to represent how we hope to be one day. Well it wasn't until recently that I started praying to God for the man He has chosen for me, not the one I wish for. Gods blessings are always bigger than you can imagine. So His chosen man for me must be incredible!
You see I prayed for the opposite of my last relationship. In my past relationship we spent all our time together. I can remember accepting overtime at work just so we would have less time together. We fought over everything. I got what I asked for...someone working, educated, and dedicated. Someone who doesn't spend every waking hour at my side.
In the past few months God has spoken to me. Telling me to stay the course in relation to a perticular person in my life. This person I care for deeply, mesmerized by their ora. It has been and will continue to be a difficult journey. But one I'm willing to face. Now let's be serious, at first I wanted to jet! Love is scary as hell for one. But I've never been a quitter. Not to mention this goes against what God told me to do. Who knows if it will end for me well or not. But if God says go thru it then I'm going thru it. If I don't who knows what blessing will pass me by. The troubles I face today will be the troubles of someone else in the near future.
I'm a hell of a woman...moody, sensitive, loving, bold, sometimes whinny, stubborn as hell, just a handful to say the least.
I will be in school very soon, hoping to get accepted into medical school. How can one date anyone in med school? The sound of it just seems ridiculous. So if "that" guy can still love me, and stand by me then he deserves the world. What you give out you get back they say. So I'm preparing now to have him hurt by my abscense and let me know that. To have to deal with the fact that I unknowingly am hurting him. To sit and wonder how and where he is spending his time while I'm away. It is because of this and other factors that have made me change my outlook on the effect this is having on me. This too shall pass but when it does I want to be able to hold my head high knowing I was honest, and trustworthy during this phase. I want him to know that I was thinking of him and not others, that I didn't allow my girlfriends to sway my thoughts and actions. For one day soon ill need the same done for me.
When I prayed for God to send me the man He chose for me I believe I will receive that. On this one I have to just be happy and not wait for the other shoe to drop.
He is awesome and if this is my happy ending, nothing could be better; but if not this was one hell of a ride that ill never regret or forget. This is leading me to the next chapter of my life. I hope I'm ready!
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