Why is sex so important?!!

Why is sex such a big part of dating? Seems like if you don't have sex with a guy he cheats or leaves you. Not to say that I have never enjoyed sex or lusted for someone, but why is it such a big part of a relationship.
Lately I've been spending a lot more time alone and mediating on my life and my choices. This subject came to mind one day when I felt as if I had to have it or I was going to emotionally unravel. Why?? So I challenged myself to see how long I could go without it. Along the way I noticed how many people are focused on sex. I saw the real side of men, of which before now I never knew looked at me as a prize or trophy to put on their "did that" wall. When you tell someone you don't want their body in that way, you will be surprised at the reaction you get. I saw men at like babies, tell me they were sick of waiting on me (however they got the idea that I was waiting on them I don't know, or that I wanted that from them is still a mystery), threaten to not speak to me, tell me that was what type of women they were seeking only to become disappointed later when my answer never changed.
I often have felt pressured to have sex to "keep" my man id you will. I wanted his interest to stay with men. If that's how I got his interest, then I never had it to begin with. I am shocked at what I have risk or done for sex. I'm shocked by how much a man will put himself thru for sex. Why is sex such a big part of dating? Seems like if you don't have sex with a guy he cheats or leaves you. Not to say that I have never enjoyed sex or lusted for someone, but why is it such a big part of a relationship.

I can see clearly through a persons intentions when sex its not a factor. I asked one guy a question. I told him that I was going back to college soon. I asked him what would happen if I couldn't see him or speak to him for what seemed like months on end? His response was "well, you should just expect for.me to cheat on you!"
I'm not looking for perfection  in a man, just commitment. Why does everyone need a ring or a piece of paper that says "warning, don't cheat on me or I'll sue you?" That paper and ring haven't saved or stopped cheating anywhere in the world. So why cant I ask for your commitment now? Make a vow to love me and only me. Maybe then I can learn to trust you. Maybe then I can get to a place of intimacy where that is better than sex. And maybe then we can get to the sex itself.
How hard can it be to find a man who doesn't value sex over a relationship? Harder than you think! Test this theory for yourself., let me know your findings.


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